Wednesday, 22 February 2023

Activity about the impact of poluted waters upon birds and aqatic plants


 Activity about the impact of poluted waters upon birds and aqatic plants

Preparatory activities: The materials needed for the experiment were prepared: glass bowl, river stones, leaves, bird feathers, felt, flax dust, cocoa powder, oil, clean water.

Activity: The students were directed to notice the stones at the bottom of the bowl and count them. The process of water pollution: oil, linseed powder and cocoa powder were introduced into the bowl in turn.

The students were asked to count the stones at the bottom of the bowl again.
Conclusion: the stones are no longer visible because the dirty water does not allow light to pass through.
In the second part of the experiment, the students were asked to put feathers, leaves and the felt strip back into the bowl.
Conclusion: all the elements introduced into the polluted water got dirty and the residues from the water stuck to them. So polluted water is not a favorable environment for birds, fish and aquatic plants.
 Subsequent activities:
Watching a film about polluted waters and their impact on living things.

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