Preparatory activities: The teacher organized the classroom, provided the students with the necessary school supplies and instructed them about the activity.
Activity: During one week, between 15.05-19.05, students from two classrooms have performed the following activities related to water consumption.
Grade 6 had the task first search for the answers to the question: How much water do you use per day? To find the answer for this question, they had to fill in a chart that measured the daily use of water at their home. Then they had to present the results highlighting what activities were the most consuming. After presenting the results of the chart to their younger colleagues from 5A, their colleagues had to try and find answers to the question: Where and how can we save water? They had the task to find and suggest ways to reduce water consumption.
Results: Pupils became aware of the various water consumption sources and learned how it can be reduced.
Comments: Children were curious about the matter and used the opportunity to learn something new in a practical manner.
Photos from the activity: